Rav PR » admin pr.ravinfotech.com Creating limitless Ideas Tue, 15 Mar 2016 09:30:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.37 blogger post http://pr.ravinfotech.com/blogger-post/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/blogger-post/#comments Tue, 15 Mar 2016 09:30:10 +0000 http://www.pr.ravinfotech.com/?p=21449 ]]> http://pr.ravinfotech.com/blogger-post/feed/ 0 Main goals of Flickr http://pr.ravinfotech.com/main-goals-of-flickr/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/main-goals-of-flickr/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 12:28:22 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21268 Flickr is a great photo sharing site and certainly one of the biggest photo sharing communities on the web. Flickr The home for all your photos. Upload, access, organize, edit, and share your photos from any device, from anywhere in the world. Flickr is a deep application, that means it has something for everyone, and probably some things you don’t yet know about.

We want to enable new ways of organizing photos and video. Once you make the switch to digital, it is all too easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer number of photos you take or videos you shoot with that itchy trigger finger. Albums, the principal way people go about organizing things today, are great — until you get to 20 or 30 or 50 of them. They worked in the days of getting rolls of film developed, but the “album” metaphor is in desperate need of a Florida condo and full retirement.

Part of the solution is to make the process of organizing photos or videos collaborative. In Flickr, you can give your friends, family, and other contacts permission to organize your stuff – not just to add comments, but also notes and tags. People like to ooh and ahh, laugh and cry, make wisecracks when sharing photos and videos. Why not give them the ability to do this when they look at them over the internet? And as all this info accretes as metadata, you can find things so much easier later on, since all this info is also searchable.

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Publish your skills here http://pr.ravinfotech.com/publish-your-skills-here/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/publish-your-skills-here/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 12:23:53 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21256 Reddit succeeded where Digg failed. It’s not the Facebook or a Twitter that killed Digg, Reddit killed Digg. If you write content that’s viral in nature then Reddit can send you instant massive traffic. Just make sure that you use social media timing signals to share the right content at the right time.

Reddit is a very powerful social site…and those who use it are just as influential as the Robert Scobles of Google+ or Chris Brogans of Twitter. But what is interesting, unlike Digg, reddit doesn’t look at your influence. In other words, you can reach the front page today with the right submission.

With over 2 billion page views in one month, the potential to send your site major traffic from reddit is huge…even if you barely make it on the front page of a small subreddit that only has 20,000 readers.And you don’t need something crazy like 1,000 upvotes to drive heavy traffic.

I’ve seen results for clients where they’ve gotten 54 votes on a subreddit with 61,000 readers nearly crash their site. I’ve seen heavy traffic to sites from a submission that got 92 votes in a subreddit under 30,000 readers. Reddit and how the site makes it easy to discover new and interesting items. Almost all of the user reviews on Alexa.com, which rates Reddit’s monthly unique traffic rating 125th in the United States, mention Reddit’s “good content” as a likable quality.

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Dig it on Reddit http://pr.ravinfotech.com/dig-it-on-reddit/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/dig-it-on-reddit/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 12:22:34 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21255 Reddit.com is the original social network. Reddit collects user-generated news links from all over the web. Users then vote to promote stories to the front page or knock them down out of the spotlight. You can also read hilarious and disturbing commentary on all the top stories of the day from reddit users just like you. The reddit community is large, educated, and loves its online news!

Reddit entries are organized into areas of interest called “subreddits”. Historically, the front page was the main subreddit, and other areas were “subreddits”.

The website is known for its open nature and diverse user community that generate its content. Its demographics allows for wide-ranging subject areas, or main subreddits, that receive much attention, as well as the ability for smaller subreddits to serve more niche purposes. For example, the University of Reddit, a subreddit that exists to communally teach, emerged from the ability to enter and leave the online forum, the “classroom,” at will, and classes ranging from computer science to music, to fine art theory exist.

 The unique possibilities that subreddits provide create new opportunities for raising attention and fostering discussion across many areas. In gaining popularity in terms of unique users per day, Reddit has been a platform for many to raise publicity for a number of causes. And with that increased ability to garner attention and a large audience, users can use one of the largest communities on the Internet for new, revolutionary, and influential purposes.

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Quora your personalize Questionnaire http://pr.ravinfotech.com/quora-your-personalize-questionnaire/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/quora-your-personalize-questionnaire/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 12:21:52 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21254 Quora’s mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. Quora: the best answer to any question. Read Amazing Questions, Answers & Blogs. Quora, is a completely informative site. Whose aim is to provide knowledge, share it, and enhance it. Usually the people we interact with are strangers, and the relationships are almost always for the sole purpose of knowledge sharing. 

As a business owner, there are always questions that need to be answered. To help with getting answers to their problems, many turn to the online site Quora to hear what advice others in their industry have to offer.

Launched in 2010, Quora is an online site where people can post questions they are having trouble answering. Rather than get answers from one person, the site allows all users to weigh in on what they think the best answers are.

“When you want to know more about something, Quora delivers you answers and content from people who share your interests and people who have first-hand knowledge — like real doctors, economists, screenwriters, police officers, and military veterans,” 

Quora’s goal is for each question page to become the best possible resource for people who want to know about that question. Quora allows users to create personalized homepages that feature the things they want to learn more about by following topics, questions, people and boards. The site currently features more than 400,000 different topics of questions and answers.

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Quora as a blogging platform http://pr.ravinfotech.com/quora-as-a-blogging-platform/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/quora-as-a-blogging-platform/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 12:21:10 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21253 Quora is a Q&A network but it can drive targeted traffic to your website if you help others to solve their problems. Unlike Yahoo Answers, Quora is a quality network and is used by many influencers so it’s simply not easy to get a backlink like we get from Yahoo Answers. There are a number of unique advantages to using Quora as a blogging platform:

Ability to integrate your Quora answers into your Quora blog  This is insanely valuable for me.  None of my Quora answers end up on my WordPress blog.  Thus, I have 4-5x the content on Quora that I do on my WordPress blog.  It’s thus 10x-50x better.

Upvotes and chance to get new viewers  Upvotes work.  If you get them on Quora, people will see your blog.  You can’t create this viewer loop on WordPress. You can see 63,349 Views on the Blog post below.  All of them are readers / viewers I’d be unlikely to get otherwise.

Comments rock  The comments on Quora are really terrific, from real, verified users, with great thoughts.  10x better than I’ve seen otherwise.

Different readers  The readers I have on Quora are different people, for the most part, than read my standalone blog.  That alone is a force multiplier right there.

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Easy marketing on Tumblr http://pr.ravinfotech.com/easy-marketing-on-tumblr/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/easy-marketing-on-tumblr/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 10:08:49 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21250 With the popularity of online means of conducting business, promoting, and communicating it has resulted in more companies looking to use the internet to generate customers and improve sales. The high rates of competition in different industries means that more enterprises are required to invest in strategies that will aid in achieving high rankings and client retention. In the search for the most cost effective and successful techniques Tumblr marketing just got easier to assist more firms. 

The application of the most effective and efficient website advertising techniques is necessary, but can prove expensive and difficult to maintain. The means for successful online promotional methods means that many companies will be facing considerable competition when it comes to high website rankings in major search engines. Tumblr has grown considerably over the last few years and is regarded as an easy to use platform that may support the business in attracting increased levels of traffic. 

Tumblr provides companies the opportunity to utilize various web based tools such as video and photo applications aiming to address specific demographics. If you have not made use of this platform, it is necessary to get started on strategic planning for the company. This is considered a micro blog allowing for greater customer connections and the generation of leads. 

Tumblr marketing just got easier and therefore companies have no excuse to implement successful online strategies.

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Why YouTube instead of Vimeo http://pr.ravinfotech.com/why-youtube-instead-of-vimeo/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/why-youtube-instead-of-vimeo/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 10:04:38 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21237 Have you heard of YouTube before?  If you enjoy surfing the internet, there is a good chance that you have.  The only question is have you ever visited the YouTube website before?  If not, you will want to do so, as YouTube, is not only fun and exciting, but it is also entertaining.

As you likely already know, YouTube is an online video hosting and sharing website.  Internet users, just like you, can not only view videos online, but they can also upload them.  Perhaps, that is one of the many reasons why YouTube has increased so much in popularly.  With an unlimited number of entertaining videos to choose from, internet users are sure to find something that they love on you Tube.  In fact, that is one of the many reasons why you should visit YouTube, particularly if you yet to do so.

Vimeo is still up-and-coming, and although it’s taken a bite out of YouTube’s market dominance, Vimeo currently has only 60 million visitors per month. This makes the viral-potential of any video much lower. It’s safe to say that this is a con for Vimeo.

It’s clear that neither Vimeo or YouTube offer a huge differential in services to marketers. The choice between the two will likely not be detrimental to your content marketing strategy. However, as you look to make nuanced choices about drawing the right audience, you might find one that works better than the other. If you’re using YouTube just as an embedded player, try using Vimeo for a change. Or if you’re looking to create viral videos, maybe you should seek out help from a YouTube account.

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Ocean of video commercials http://pr.ravinfotech.com/ocean-of-video-commercials/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/ocean-of-video-commercials/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 10:03:11 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21238 Do you enjoy watching videos on YouTubeEven if you have never visited YouTube before, you are urged to do so, as you will likely find it fun, exciting, and entertaining.  YouTube is a video sharing website which allows internet users, just like you, to upload and share videos that they have made.  Perhaps, the greatest thing about YouTube is that it is free.

When visiting the YouTube website to watch videos, you can do so without having to create a YouTube account.  Despite not being required to create a YouTube account, you may want to look into doing so, as there are a number of benefits to being a YouTube member. One of the many benefits to registering for a free YouTube account is that it is relatively easy to do.

Of course, when making a YouTube video you will want to use your best judgment.  Although YouTube accepts videos on a wide variety of different subjects, you will want to proceed with caution.  You should always be cautious of online predators; therefore, you will want to be cautious about divulging too much information about yourself.  You might not necessarily think about it, but you also want to make sure that you don’t record and post anything illegal on YouTube.  It has been said that YouTube regularly works with law enforcement to help solve crimes. That just goes to show that you never really who is watching your videos or what the consequences for posting them might be.

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Plus your business with Google plus http://pr.ravinfotech.com/plus-your-business-with-google-plus/ http://pr.ravinfotech.com/plus-your-business-with-google-plus/#comments Mon, 08 Jun 2015 10:01:30 +0000 http://wewant.website/rsmo/?p=21239 Google Plus is rising in terms of number of users and is now the world’s second largest social media network.  Google Plus Circles allows companies to isolate and separately target different followers based on their interests. By having clear-cut categorizations, this makes the targeting and distribution of information and promotional materials to market segments incredibly easy. 

Google Plus, the King of Search Engine Optimization Since Google owns Google Plus, anything shared through Google Plus will be much more optimized in search rankings. The +1 feature is also known to carry more weight than Facebook’s “Like” button when it comes to determining popular and trustworthy content.

It’s important to note that the G+ platform is different from the platforms of Facebook and Twitter. According to Social Media Today, the G+ platform is a “different type of platform, with a different target audience.” As such, a fine line exists between social media made for socializing and social media made for business.

G+ is a professional landscape, geared toward connecting businesses and professionals with each other, and opening the door to engaging with individuals outside of your usual social circles.

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